And YOU can help me. Give me ideas! If you read Warriors at least. Ideas for names, territories, ect. Just spit those ideas at me. I’m open to (nearly) anything. Nothing super magical or violent or inappropriate.
Signed, A.A
And YOU can help me. Give me ideas! If you read Warriors at least. Ideas for names, territories, ect. Just spit those ideas at me. I’m open to (nearly) anything. Nothing super magical or violent or inappropriate.
Signed, A.A
I have not posted much in about forever! I’m kinda back…maybe? I dunno! I might posted more often now. Perhaps!
In Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition (WCUE) you can hunt prey. And I caught my first bird! Woo hoo!
The title is the subject. I will now be stopping posting daily. I am sorry. But I just can’t think of good things to post about.
Why do feet smell and noses run? I mean, think about it? Don’t feet run and noses smell? Weird…
:l Audrey
I read one book with my dad, I read one book by myself, and I watch the movies with my mom. So organized, am I right?
-Audrey :p
How do the Clans know what fish, mice, voles, and squirrels are called? How do they know how to talk? How do they even know what a NAME is?
Think about it. Audrey
I haven’t been on Roblox lately. I don’t know why, I just haven’t been on Roblox lately.
Mothwing. Is my least fave character. Change my mind.
On friday, I am going to be leaving for a vacation. A short, weekend-long vacation, so I may not bring my computer. Have a good day!