Lunitarian NationStates

Lunitarian is officially 1 year old!

7 hours ago from when this was posted, Lunitarian saw its first birthday. Lunitarian has a capital, leader, national religion, and 2.102 people living in it. I am so proud of all my nations, every last one that I have founded. Happy birthday Lunitarian!

😀 Audrey


Lunitarian was my first nation

Lunitarian was my first ever nation and its grown so much! I am so proud…

🙂 Audrey

Lunitarian NationStates

Lunitarian has reached one billion citizens

Lunitarian has reached one billion citizens! They now have a national religion that everyone has to worship and this is so cool! Lunitarian has been like my child. I have put so much effort into it and now that has started paying off!

-Happy to post. Signed Audrey


Update on Lunitarian!

On April 10th, 2023, Lunitarian got 753 million people and I have named its leader!

I would show a picture but I can’t figure out how to copy and paste but I’ll try later.


Lunitarian NationStates

NationStates rules!

I love NationStates and I have several nations, including my favorite Lunitarian.