Life things


I will, from now on, be posting daily or at least will be trying to post daily! Today, I will be going to see Hamilton with my mom!

Love ya all, Audrey :p

Harry Potter

Why I dislike Gryffindor

I dislike Gryffindor because they get all the good people and all the fame and attention, leaving the other three houses (Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff) to fight other the scraps. So yeah. DOWN WITH GRYFFINDOR!

Signed, Audreu

Life things

So something random happened today

So I was playing Hexanaut on Coolmath and someone sliced me. I was listening to My Shot from Hamilton. And after I got sliced, I just started rapping My Shot. That was random

Lol, Audrey

Harry Potter

Harry Potter nicknames

For Harry: Parry Hotter

For Ron: Weaslking

For Hermione: Herma

For Hagrid: Haggasaurusrex

For Dumbledore: Dumblydore

For Fred AND George: Gred and Feorge

For Dobby: Lord Dobby

That is all for this post lol

Life things

My Favorite Things

My favorite holiday: Christmas, of course!

My favorite animal: Cats/big cats

My favorite color: Blue or yellow

My favorite Nationstates nation: Lunitarian

My favorite super hero: Iron Man or Thor

My favorite Harry Potter character: DOBBY!!!!

My favorite Wings of Fire character: Peril

😀 Audrey

I am now 10!

Hellllllo guys! On April 11th, I turned 10! I’m double digits. Wise me luck in my tenth year of life!!


Update on Lunitarian!

On April 10th, 2023, Lunitarian got 753 million people and I have named its leader!

I would show a picture but I can’t figure out how to copy and paste but I’ll try later.


Harry Potter

My First Harry Potter post

This is my first Harry Potter related post. Try to guess what it will be about. I’ll give you a sec.

Ok. Well, it’s about my favorite Harry Potter character: Dobby the houself!

Dobby is a male house-elf who was introduced in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He comes to Harry and warns him about a plot that is happening at Hogwarts. He tries to stop Harry from going back to Hogwarts, which is my first point. Dobby is so darn loyal and so dedicated to helping keep Harry safe. His first line in the series is, “Harry Potter!” (and his last line in the series is “Harry Potter”), which just shows how much he admires Harry. In the book he’s introduced, he tries to get Harry to stay at home, but Harry of course, escapes to The Burrow. Then, Dobby closes the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. Harry and his best friend Ron use a flying car to get the Hogwarts though. At the first Quidditch match in the school year, Dobby enchants a Bludger to go after Harry to try and get him seriously injured so he’ll get sent back home. Harry recovers and later, at the end of the book, we discover the plot was Dobby’s master and owner, Lucies Malfouy, gives Ginny Weasley a diary that can be used to reopen the Chamber of Secrets. Harry enters to chamber and slays the beast within, along with destroying Tom Riddle, who’s diary Mr. Malfouy had given Ginny.

The next time we see Dobby is in the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He now works in the Hogwarts kitchens after Harry tricked Dobby’s master into freeing Dobby by giving Dobby a sock (a house-elf can only be free when given clothes). Unlike most house-elves, who would hate to be freed, Dobby is overjoyed. Dobby learns that a friend of his, Winky, has also been freed. Dobby brings Winky and together they start work at Hogwarts. Winky, however, after being freed, had started drinking Butterbeer. Dobby would sometimes bring Winky to a room that we now know as The Room of Requirement. He would find an elf-sized bed and would have Winky sleep off the effects of the Butterbeer. Dobby helps Harry get through the Second Task by stealing Gilly Weed from Snape’s private stores. In the next book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Dobby helps Harry discover the Room of Requirement so they will have a place for D.A meetings. In the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Dobby sacrifices himself to save Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Dobby dies in Harry’s arms

Now I’m going to explain why I loves Dobby so much. He’s so loyal and I love the way he speaks, and he is just so great and you have to love him too! OR ELSE….

Lunitarian NationStates

NationStates rules!

I love NationStates and I have several nations, including my favorite Lunitarian.